Boy am I tired. I wonder if that had anything to do with the lyrics this week (hint: YES).
Would like to have added, oh, I dunno, DRUMS this week, but I had a CGA project due Friday, and I have a CGA exam coming up this Thursday. So, I'm fine with it as it is :) (That's also my excuse for singing the same lyrics twice)
Production details: other than the bass drum, did everything on the Moog this week. The main buzzy synth was whipped up from scratch, and the higher-pitched line was a tweaking of a preset. So, I'm starting to get a bit better at coming up with sounds on my own, I think?
Also of note: again, other than the bass drum, I played everything live into the computer, no programming. I'm not sure if you know, but there are some electronic bands who will say in the liner notes, or maybe even on the back of the album, that they played everything live, no programming.
I know they're just trying to explain that they know how to play an instrument, but to me, it just seems like bragging about not knowing how to do something. In terms of listening to a pre-recorded track, I don't care if something was played live, or if everything was programmed, or cut and pasted to great lengths, whatever. So long as it sounds good. Feel free to comment if you agree/disagree.
"No more instance of idle eyes here
Never rest like it used to be
After a while you must get tired, dear
Close your head and count to sleep
In a minute we will retire here
Sixty seconds until we're free
Until that moment we'll pass the time here
Killing time quite recklessly"

Obviously a bit autobiographical this week....Just can't wait to get through the 1 minute song? :) I like what's going on in the second half of the song. Wonder what it would sound like if you slowed it down, give it a hypnotic effect? Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteCool Sleepwalker figure!!!!