Came up with a melody on my way in to work earlier in the week, so I phoned home and sang it into my answering machine so I could remember it later. Happily, the result isn't as goofy as the answering machine message :)
Learned that with an analogue synth, tuning can be an issue, so I tried to keep that in mind this go-around. The QY-70 is providing drums, and the final two synth sounds that appear (one during the 2nd verse, and one during the outro). Roger is doing everything else.
If you wouldn't mind answering this question to help me out: what's missing from this song? What do you suggest changing to make it more - I don't know, relevant? Distinctive? To me, it sounds pretty generic, forgettable...but maybe it's only because I feel like I've written this song over and over already? I was really pleased with last week's song, but this doesn't really seem to do anything. Feedback please! :) Or slip me some suggestions I can try out in coming weeks?
"And I realize far too late - it doesn't matter
And these feelings I can't take - they're getting better
And it's shocking me awake - because I never
Tried to heal it all away"

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