And thus concludes the Moog Trilogy! (?! Yes, I'm making that up)
Used the Moog on everything for this tune, except for the drums. The results? Even though there's not that many different tracks happening, it sounds very buzzy and cluttered, to my ears. I did my best to sort of separate the tracks from each other, but in the end, I only want to spend so much time on these each week :)
Had to double the vocals to try and get them to stand out better.
I think this week's tune was more of a conscious effort to write two different sections of a song (my weakness has always been to just write a chorus, with little else!); a reaction to last week's tune, I think.
I think the reason I was hard on last week's song was that I tend to use the same sets of notes for most of my songs; I should do a bit more investigation into different scales to play in, and see how that affects my output.
"What if I could say
Time's not set in place
There's motion in the sway
If you could travel now
Would you wipe me out
Would you change today?
Stepping forward, falling backwards,
Walking forward, running backwards,
Running forward, stepping backwards,
Tearing forward, glancing backwards"
the mooginess is AWESOME i'd put in robot backup singers but mine all quit on me