Two different bass lines, a few lines on the Triton (including drums), and I decided to keep my demo vocals recorded earlier in the week instead of re-recording them.
As I approach the end of this project, it strikes me just how much effort I've been putting into these songs, and how glad I'll be to have the free time back. Between work, CGA courses, and a song a week, I can tell you that I really need a break (almost any vacation I've taken in the last two years has been to ramp up my studying for CGA courses, and most of my work on this project takes place over the weekend - specifically, late Saturday night into the early hours of Sunday morning. So, weekends haven't exactly been all that relaxing for me, either).
With that in mind, I'm going to try to make the last four songs of the project as easy on myself as I can. Jill's going to help me with 49-51, and I have the general notion that I want them all to be connected somehow. Whether I pull that off or not will remain to be seen.
52 itself will be a lot of fun - to celebrate the completion of the project, I plan to drink heavily and do the song in one session, and just see what kind of mess I come up with. Since one of the goals of this project has been to experiment, I see this as valid! ;)
"There's noone around me so
It leaves me free
To build this busstop, yeah
Where I will meet you there
To far-off places
I'm already starting to
Lose my nerve
So I'll work quickly, yeah
Lay the foundations down
Put a cover on
My three-sided structure"