Can't think of much to say about this one. Used my friend Adam's old ZOOM 505 pedal for the guitar. Wrote the guitar and drums after making the mistake of having Tim Horton's one evening and couldn't get to sleep (not even Police Academy could knock me out!). Came up with everthing else this morning.
Um...the first bit is 3/4 time, then it's 4/4...I didn't really notice that until after I wrote the guitar part and was programming drums for it.
Lyrically: the first bit would work better if there was just a description of a lonely place (a field, space, a mood, whatever). That would have made "What did I fail to say?" seem more effective, I think; the way the words are now, it kind of makes things a little more obvious and one-dimensional; they can only be about one thing.

"I told you everything
You wanted to know
And after everything
You wanted to go
Later that night
Noone in sight
What did I fail to say?"
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