Sunday, May 31, 2009


52:22 by ChristianLeBlanc

The drums and piano line come from the QY-70, while I'm happy to say that everything else you hear (other than vocals) is coming from my new friend:

(Minimoog Voyager Select Series)

Essentially my tax refund, "Roger" (?) arrived on Wednesday. One you thing you can't tell by listening is just how HEAVY this thing is! 42 lbs on its own, and the hard case it came with adds another 22 lbs; it was not a good day for the elevator in my apartment building to break down o_O

The voice used for the bass line, to me, doesn't quite fit with the rest of the music. But you try finding a preset called "Dr. Who Bass" and not forcing it into the first thing you do. Go on. Just try it, I dare ya. Can't be done. Srsly.

This song is for Jill.

"All I want is next to me
Immediate and warm and clean
Save your fire and gasoline
This time I'm killing apathy
All I want is next to me and clean"

Sunday, May 24, 2009


52:21 by ChristianLeBlanc

Click here for "21 low"

I made two versions: one normal, and one tuned down real low, just for fun.

EDIT: just wanted to point out that I still really like the music on this one, but I'm right ashamed of myself lyrically though. It's alright, though, because I was experimenting at least :)

"I’d like to take a moment now
and talk about Hyperion
Eighth largest moon of Saturn
was found by Bill Bond and his son

No life, but has hydrocarbons
Dry and wet ice contained therein
Low gravity, chaotic spin
I feel Hyperionian

I feel Hyperionian"

o_O .....seriously, I should upload an instrumental version and put these monstrosities out of my misery :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009


52:20 by ChristianLeBlanc

Visit Chris's Invincible Super-Blog!
Dug out the ol' Triton LE for this week's tune, and used the QY-70 to control it. The drums, computer voice and the lead line come from the Triton, and the bass line comes from the QY-70.

The main intent this week was just to re-acquaint myself with the QY-70 controlling the Triton. Next week, hopefully I'll have figured out better how to control it channel by channel. As it was, I happened into this song kind of randomly: I was controlling a piano ballad combination sound that just happened to have a drum set as part of the sound, and where the kick and snare would usually have been on the QY, is where the computery-voice was instead.

I told my vocalist I didn't want his whiny, self-pitying lyrics bringing the party down this week (see: "19", for example). He tried something anyway, but no. Not this time ;)

Saturday, May 9, 2009


52:19 by ChristianLeBlanc

So when I post these songs, I usually don't feel much for them at the time, but have them grow on me a lot once the songwriting process is over. This is one of those rare times when I'm actually pretty happy with my efforts - which means I must be on the wrong track! :)

Still did all the music on the QY-70, but I tried something different this time (for me). I tried using instruments in the wrong octave (ie, bass sounds set at the highest octave), and this seemed to open up a whole new range of sounds for me.

I made more of an effort lyrically, as well; once I had my central idea (which came to me while doing some whisky-infused housecleaning today), I hit wikipedia to try and generate some more ideas.

"You still have your old dolls
And papers from your last years at school
Books you never read, and things you’ll never need
Like old clothes that make you feel like a fool

Disposophobic nightmares
Obsessing compulsively
You won’t get rid of anything
So why won’t you hold on to me?"

In other news: I don't know why I do so suddenly, but man do I ever want one of these: Minimoog Voyager

Sunday, May 3, 2009


52:18 by ChristianLeBlanc

Ok, so this one is...uhm...I mean, I...

...ok, you know what? Tax season ended Thursday night around 10. Friday was just a write-off, and Saturday was spent in Moncton celebrating both the end of tax season, as well as Free Comic Book Day (as good as it is in Saint John, Moncton has started bringing in talented artists such as Kraig Nicol and Nick Bradshaw. Seriously, check this out! It is so cool! Justin Coffee was even seen milling about with copies of his new art book, "Cream and Sugar: the Art of Justin Coffee.")

...where was I? Oh yeah: making excuses for doing dick-all for this week's song :) I happily retreated back to the relative safety of the QY-70, and to be honest, I couldn't even be bothered arranging the song or even trying to come up with lyrics. Really, I'm lucky to have conjured up a melody at all this week.

My original intention behind the song was to 'do something with bells,' which, hey, I think I succeeded in. That'll do.

Nick Bradshaw